We would like to thank all the people that are involved in this project . They are loyal and dedicated to their profession.Without them this movie " Taxi Killers "...( The Ultimate Jihad ) would have never exsisted. It would be lying on a shelf somewhere gathering dust.
I can't thank these people enough for there effertless hours being put into this film. No one is being paid, all are donating their hard time and enjoyment to work on this project.
We feel that this movie is universal, and is for all audiences around the world. It's strickly fictional and entertaining, there are no winners in this movie. It has plenty of Action, Drama and Adventure.
We would like to see a star studded cast of actors like : Nicolas Cage, Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, etc. to star in this movie.
There's just to many great actors to list.. This movie would be a bombshell not to say! with this kind of talent. We are in contact with various agents at this time .
We would like to see an independent production company in the United States or International produce and direct this movie.
We are also selling merchandise provided by " Dahij Productions LLC." We hope everyone will checkout the merchandise page and maybe buy something.
All our merchandise has the " Taxi Killers ....The Ultimate Jihad " Logo on them which is a Registered Trademark.
A percentage of all merchandise sold will also be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Anyone can also Donate to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. If your interested in helping, please click on the " Donation Button Below " and maybe you can help save someone's life. It's a well worth the cause.!
We will be going viral on You Tube at some point to promote our site hoping to attract a hugh audience all over the world. We thank everyone for their support in help keeping this project alive.
You Can Also Follow Us on Twitter !!....... https://twitter.com/taxi_jihad